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  • Guides 29/06/2021 Fastening variants for bollards
    Bollards can be set up for different purposes in very different places. This is why we have been continuously expanding our 3p-Technology
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  • Guides 28/06/2021 Bollards with railing connection
    Cities have a particularly high traffic volume and are characterized by various modes of locomotion: traffic routes and public spaces are shared among cars, delivery vans, cyclists, pedestrians, and local public transport.
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  • Guides 05/08/2020 Ways to prevent vandalism
    Wrecked park benches, smeared walls, knocked over traffic signs: vandalism remains a major problem for many public administrations. For one thing, property damage increases the public risk of injury.
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  • Guides 03/08/2020 A closer look on … Public benches!
    At first, a bench is just a bench, at least for the indifferent passer-by. But at a closer look, it rapidly becomes clear: there are several things to consider before making a selection.
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  • Guides 23/04/2020 Bicycle traffic – A challenge
    Traffic development in urban areas - Critical points in urban traffic - Requirements for a functioning cycling infrastructure - Bicycle paths and lanes – a universal solution?
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  • Guides 22/04/2020 Urban planning, urban development and identity
    Cities are, in most cases, grown structures. What often appears to be arbitrary and random – always happend according to their conditions, requirements, and possibilities.
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  • Guides 01/04/2020 A closer look on … bicycle stands!
    In times of overcrowded inner cities, traffic jams, and the eternal search for a parking spot, more and more people are switching to bicycles.
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  • Guides 15/02/2019 Concrete and the city
    The common bollard from our example is embedded in concrete. For this purpose, a sufficiently large hole is dug in the ground.
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  • Guides 30/01/2019 What exactly is a foundation?
    The denser the concrete, the higher is its compressive strength. The so-called bulk density of concrete is determined by the choice of supplements.
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  • Guides 29/01/2019 Structural change
    But did civilization truly got worse since humans massively intervened in nature? Among all the unquestionable negative repercussions of structural change, aren’t there also some positive effects of urbanization?
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  • Guides 16/01/2019 A little history (of success) of concrete
    A construction material with an impact on us and our lives like no other. Concrete goes along with modern mankind wherever you go.
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