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  • https://abes-online.com/en/guides-en/structural-change/

    Structural change

    …bus station since has its own Twitter account. Source: https://www.monopol-magazin.de/schönheit-und-zerstörung-0 Concrete in the city creates new plant species It sounds like a paradox: more and more open spaces are getting built-up due to urbanization, whereas the number of plant species is steadily increasing. Shouldn’t the exact opposite be expected? After…

  • https://abes-online.com/en/guides-en/a-little-history-of-success-of-concrete/

    A little history (of success) of concrete

    …single-shell walls without additional thermal insulation. Current tests with carbon or plastic, as additives, are also very promising, making us without a doubt looking forward what else the future will hold for the age-old construction material. Read more about concrete: Structural change Source list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ingalls_Building https://www.beton.org/wissen/beton-bautechnik/geschichte-des-betons/ Die_Entwicklungsgeschichte_des_Betons_PRS.pdf http://www.luccon.com/ https://www.ingenieur.de/technik/fachbereiche/bau/beton-zukunft-repariert-selbst/ https://www.waz.de/region/rhein-und-ruhr/uni-entwickelt-den-beton-der-zukunft.html…

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    Privacy Policy

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