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Über ABES - kurz & knapp

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3p-Technology explained:

  • 1:35 Min.
    ABES - 3p-Technologie - Erklärvideo zum Kostenvorteil

About ABES:

  • 0:53 Min.
    Über ABES - kurz & knapp

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ABES 3p-Technology

Assembly instructions

Product presentation

About ABES

  • 1:35 Min.
    ABES - 3p-Technologie - Erklärvideo zum Kostenvorteil
    The exchangeable junction piece breaks at the pre-determined breaking point. All parts including the foundation and paving remain undamaged. The broken junction piece is replaced by a new one. The bollard can be remounted immediately.
  • 2:08 Min.
    ABES 3p-Technology
    The exchangeable junction piece breaks at the pre-determined breaking point. All parts including the foundation and paving remain undamaged. The broken junction piece is replaced by a new one. The bollard can be remounted immediately.
  • 1:33 Min.
    ABES 3p-Technology: Junction piece with steel spring (3p-Flex)
    Links the bollard to the ground shell (3p-Technology).
    Bollard returns to original position after impact.
    Constructive element with a pre-determined breaking point.
    Can be instantly replaced if damaged.
    8-10° flexure (the predetermined breaking point yields if the spring is overexpanded).
  • 1:08 Min.
    ABES 3p-Technology: Easy removal without complete dismantling
    All bollards (and other products) with 3p-Technology are removable.
    This allows for the temporary creation of additional space for events, meetings, markets or parking lots. To prevent tripping or pollution,
    the ground shells can be closed with a cover.
  • 2:08 Min.
    Unterschiedliches Stadtmobiliar auf ein und derselben Bodenhülse
    All bollards (and other products) with 3p-Technology are removable.
    This allows for the temporary creation of additional space for events, meetings, markets or parking lots. To prevent tripping or pollution,
    the ground shells can be closed with a cover.
  • 02:30 Min.
    ABES 3p-Multiflansch | TEIL1 - Montageanleitung
    The new multi-flange fastening system has all the 3p-Technology Classic advantages, but does not require a ground shell. Instead, there is a connecting flange that is screwed onto a pad foundation. As the multi-flange fastening is based on the same functional principle as the 3p-Technology Classic, you also benefit from the accustomed advantages.
  • 01:28 Min.
    ABES 3p-Multiflansch | TEIL 2 - Anpralltest
    The new multi-flange fastening system has all the 3p-Technology Classic advantages, but does not require a ground shell. Instead, there is a connecting flange that is screwed onto a pad foundation. As the multi-flange fastening is based on the same functional principle as the 3p-Technology Classic, you also benefit from the accustomed advantages.
  • 00:35 Min.
    ABES 3p-Multiflansch | TEIL 3 - Verkehrskanalisierung
    The new multi-flange fastening system has all the 3p-Technology Classic advantages, but does not require a ground shell. Instead, there is a connecting flange that is screwed onto a pad foundation. As the multi-flange fastening is based on the same functional principle as the 3p-Technology Classic, you also benefit from the accustomed advantages.
  • 01:39 Min.
    ABES - Anlehnbügel 453 - Montageanleitung
    U-rack made from perpendicular steel profiles. Other profile dimensions, heights and widths are available upon request at a surcharge.
  • 02:30 Min.
    ABES 3p-Multiflansch | TEIL1 - Montageanleitung
    The new multi-flange fastening system has all the 3p-Technology Classic advantages, but does not require a ground shell. Instead, there is a connecting flange that is screwed onto a pad foundation. As the multi-flange fastening is based on the same functional principle as the 3p-Technology Classic, you also benefit from the accustomed advantages.
  • 3:13 Min.
    Die Funktionsweise der 3p-Hybrid-Bodenhülse
    The Snaplock system is the result of intensive development work, allowing us to meet a major customer requirement: 3p-Technology compatible cast aluminium bollards that can be fastened to the ground by easy self-latching.
  • 02:30 Min.
    ABES 3p-Multiflansch | TEIL1 - Montageanleitung
    The new multi-flange fastening system has all the 3p-Technology Classic advantages, but does not require a ground shell. Instead, there is a connecting flange that is screwed onto a pad foundation. As the multi-flange fastening is based on the same functional principle as the 3p-Technology Classic, you also benefit from the accustomed advantages.
  • 0:53 Min.
    Über ABES - kurz & knapp
    Street furniture by ABES: Design elements for public spaces.

    Urban life largely takes place in public, on streets and in pedestrian zones, in squares and in parks. How these areas are perceived by the public, and how they may be used, directly contributes to the quality of life.
  • 4:56 Min.
    ABES - Wir über uns
    Urban life largely takes place in public, on streets and in pedestrian zones, in squares and in parks. How these areas are perceived by the public, and how they may be used, directly contributes to the quality of life.
    Essentially, street furniture has to meet the same requirements imposed on home furniture: it has to please one’s personal taste, fit into the home, be both comfortable and useful, and manifest a certain level of robustness.
ABES S. à r. l.

Parc d’Activité Syrdall
48, rue Gabriel Lippmann
L-6947 Niederanven

FON +352.28 67 65 01
FAX +352.28 67 65 20
