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Hex head bolt (screw)

Hex head bolt M12
– Stainless steel


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sku.: 000.009

The ABES hex head bolt (screw) is made from stainless-steel featuring a M12 thread. It suit all ABES clamping bolt sets that come with 3p-Technology equipped products (bollards, benches, waste containers). Available as a spare / replacement part.

The patented 3p-Technology revolves around the junction piece with a predetermined breaking point.

If a bollard with 3p-Technology suffers an impact, the junction piece gives way without damaging the bollard or the foundation, which would be the case for fixed mountings. All parts including the foundation and paving remain undamaged, except for minor scratches on the bollard.
The bollard can be immediately resurrected by simply fitting a new junction piece on site. The 3p-Technology helps to lower the costs of maintenance, and also allows vast freedom of design since the bollards can be removed depending on the system.

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Art.N° 000.009

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junction pieces
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ABES S. à r. l.

Parc d’Activité Syrdall
48, rue Gabriel Lippmann
L-6947 Niederanven

FON +352.28 67 65 01
FAX +352.28 67 65 20
